Pom is a dish that should not be missing from any Surinamese party. This is a casserole consisting of pomtajer (a type of root or earth fruit) with chicken and various herbs. The pomtajer is peeled and then grated, processed with spicy prepared chicken, mixed with the pomtajer and then baked in the oven.
Hasselback with Caribbean butter mix
Cut the potatoes into thin pieces (note: do not cut everything all the way through, the bottom must remain together!).
Mix the Caribbean butter mix in a mixer, together with butter or low-fat margarine. Mix until smooth.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Place the butter mix in a pan over a low heat until the butter mix melts.
Coat the sliced potatoes with the butter mix.
Grease the baking dish and place the seasoned potatoes in it.
If necessary, add sea salt to taste.
Bake the potatoes in the oven for 40-45 minutes.
Enjoy your meal!
Streaky Pork Slaps with Noodles
for 6-8 people
Lean pork
spicy meatballs
Lamb 4-6 pers.
Minced meat ball with Swiet Moffo or Tapa herbs
for 6-8 people
Lean pork or beef with various vegetables
for 2-3 people
Roti Lams
Roti: what is roti?
This is a pancake with filling in it. The filling can be mashed potato with herbs or ground yellow peas with herbs. Roti actually means bread and in various countries it is also eaten as bread. Swiet Moffo gives various recipes and variations on how to prepare this dish. You can often buy the Roti pancakes ready-made at the Surinamese store or exotic supermarkets.