Moksi Alesi recipe with Rice

Moksi alesi recipe. Delicious Surinamese cooking with Swiet moffo. Our Surinamese cookbook contains many authentic recipes. These delicious recipes provide an authentic Surinamese dish. With the herbs of swiet moffo, these dishes become a cold (or rather) tasty trick. Take a look at our webshop for the delicious moksi products . In our cookbook you will find the tastiest recipes and dishes. Top everything off with fresh vegetables, tasty and healthy. We wish you a tasty meal!

Moksi Alesi recipe starts here 😉

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Moksi Alesi recipe with Rice
Votes: 1
Score: 4
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for 4-6 people
Moksi Alesi recipe with Rice
Votes: 1
Score: 4
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Recipe Print
for 4-6 people
Portions Prep Time Cooking time
4-6persons 20minutes 20minutes
Portions Prep Time
4-6persons 20minutes
Cooking time
Servings: persons
Servings: persons
  1. Cook rice and then let it cool. (for preparation, see packaging instructions)
  2. Heat 5 tbsp. olive oil in a (wok) pan. Then add the frozen peas, corn, pepper and rice and add 2 tbsp. Moksi Alesi mix.
  3. Stir-fry this until everything is nicely mixed.